About the Air Quality Hub

What is the Air Quality Hub?

The Air Quality Hub is administered by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water. The datasets in the Hub are accessible via the SEED portal.

The Hub is a space where the community can:

  • search and access the growing body of air quality data
  • learn about data insights through dashboards, videos, tools and case studies
  • share knowledge and experiences with other data users.

About the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water – Air Quality

The department’s Climate and Atmospheric Science division includes specialised air quality research, monitoring and reporting functions.

An Air Quality Monitoring Network of 99 calibrated stations located throughout New South Wales provide hourly air quality ratings and data across a range of categories including:

  • Particles (PM2.5 and PM10, hourly average)
  • Ozone (hourly average and 4 hour rolling average)
  • Carbon monoxide (8 hour rolling average)
  • Nitrogen dioxide (hourly average)
  • Sulfur dioxide (hourly average)
  • Visibility (hourly)
  • Ammonia (hourly average for selected stations)

We encourage you to visit the department’s Air website to learn about:

  • The Air program
  • NSW Clean Air Strategy
  • The department’s air quality research and publications
  • NSW air quality statements
  • Air quality monitoring network
  • Current air quality and forecasts
  • Air pollution episodes
  • Other knowledge-based articles about air quality.